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Showing posts from November, 2017

3D Skills—Tips to Master Them

3D Skills—Tips to Master Them   Do you want a quick lesson to master your 3D technique? Are you an aspiring 3D artist who has hopes to work for a 3D animation design company? If the answer to this question is a yes, you have come to the right place. Here you will find tips to improve your 3D skills. When it is your time, you will get the designation of an expert 3D animator who has mastered their craft. If you are ready, let’s begin by sharing the first tip: 1.       Invest in the Right Resources What inspired you to become a 3D animator? Perhaps, you caught the 3D animation bug from cartoon movies like the Bug’s Life or Toy Story . Perhaps, the latest installments of superhero movies such as Thor or Avengers led you to your new career path. Whatever told you that this is what you need to become, put it aside, as that will not help you. What you need to is invest in the right sources, which will help make your dream come true...

How Healthcare Industries Are Benefiting from 3D Animation?

How Healthcare Industries Are Benefiting from 3D Animation? Healthcare professionals need to use the latest technological advancements to convey their message to a large audience. Technology has made it easier for them to offer complex demonstrations, explanations, rationalizations, and education to patients and other healthcare professionals in the medical industry. Sure, they can take the PowerPoint route, but it will not be as effective as showing a presentation through 3D animation. Yes, 3D animation has provided the healthcare industry with a new way to make people understand the medical jargon and diagrams. Moreover, they do not realize the time they can save by hiring the services of 3D animation companies .  A 60-minute presentation can cut down to 60 seconds with the best part being an engaged and lively set of eyes. If it were a presentation instead of an animation, yawns and tired eyes would greet the presenter. To avoid the second scenario, healt...

3D Product Visualization

3D Product Visualization:  Why Your Business Needs It? 3 D product visualization allows businesses to give viewers a visual representation of their product.   However, this is not its only use, as businesses can employ the 3D technique to show entire buildings. For instance, a hospital wants to establish a 3D website and in order to do that, they will have to hire a 3D company . The company will design a 3D layout of the entire hospital so when people visit the site, a 3D design will greet them. Now, that’s an impressive use of the 3D technique, and it is about high time that businesses start to recognize it as such. 3D product visualization has become the face of many businesses. In fact, everything that you see on TV, from the shampoo bottle, the soda can, to the cartoon character, is designed using the 3D technique. If you have not jumped on the bandwagon yet, right now, is the time do so. The following reasons shed light on why your business needs to u...

The Three Big Rules of 3D Character Animation

The Three Big Rules of Character Animation 3D Animation Companies Follow Character animation is not an easy task to master, as more complex your character is, the more skill is required to convey realism in every movement. Since it takes years to learn everything there is about character animation, people rely on 3D animation companies to assist them create a 3D cartoon character. People over at the 3D animation company are experienced in their craft. In order to present a perfect product to the client, they follow three big rules for creating a 3D character . The three big rules they follow closely are: 1.       Focus on the Character’s Sound of Movement Animators have to time the character’s sound movement, meaning they match the sound with the reference. This enables them to work faster, as they do not have to sit through the reference per frame. In fact 3D animation companies’ use this technique at all phases of animation, from p...

Animation Trends That Are Here To Stay

Animation Trends That Are Here To Stay 3D animation has come out to be one of the fastest growing trends in the entertainment industry and for many good reasons. With the release and success of several animated movies this year alone, the audience is becoming more interested in seeing more fascinating developments. In fact, animation has become a great source of entertainment for everyone. When we talk about animation, it is important to keep in touch with the latest trends to be able to grab the audience’s attention. Let’s take a look at some animation trends that are gaining massive popularity. CG-Generated Stop Motion Stop motion is one of the most crucial yet highly beautiful techniques used for creating an animated effect. These animations are not shot in a continuous motion, but the characters are moved from one point to another (almost 1 inch difference in position), and then photographed. Once a whole sequence is completed, all the shots are combined and pl...

Animation – The New Face of Advertising

Animation – The New Face of Advertising Animation has become the “in” things for several companies looking for new ways to advertise their products and services to people. They hire animation companies to assist them devise an advertising strategy to entice the consumers to make a purchase. What they like about incorporating animation into their advertising strategy is the fact that it is a versatile tool. For this reason, animation is quickly becoming the new face of advertising. If you have not incorporated it into your advertising strategy yet, here are some benefits you will obtain if you do: 1.       Sums Up All the Main Points of the Advertising Campaign Lately, audiences want everything handed to them in a visual manner. So, why should you not make your advertisements visually appealing as well? Animation will let you to create a thrilling story relaying a vital message to audiences, captivating their attention. In just one advert...

The Reason behind the Popularity of 3D Animated Games

Along with 3D movies, 3D animated games have also garnered fame and popularity amongst people. When 3D graphics came on the scene, the masses demanded gaming companies to quit producing 2D animated games and shift to creating 3D games. Since then, the popularity of 3D games seems never-ending. Why the sudden surge in popularity, you ask? Let’s find out by looking at the main reason: People Want Realism Have you seen the movie Wreck-it Ralph? In the movie, the character Felix is a 2D character that falls in love with the high-definition beauty, Sergeant Tamora Jean Calhoun, from Hero’s Duty. Unlike him, she is created using 3D animation properties. These days, it is games like Hero’s Duty, which seem to amaze people. When they see a character in front of them, they want it to look as real as possible. Hence, the gaming industry readily hires 3D animation companies to create a masterpiece and bring their vision to life. To give the viewer a sense of realism, the gaming i...

Why Should You Acquire the Services of A 3D Video Animation Company?

How many hits does your website get in a day? If you reply with “not a lot,” you are in deep trouble. You are not using the services offered by a 3D animation studio to your advantage. Your site is plain and boring. There is nothing on there to encourage people to keep coming back. All your site has is a few pictures here and there, but that’s about it. If your site looks like a graveyard, deserted and depressing, consider calling up a professional video animation company to assist you make it colorful, bright, and enjoyable. The Importance of Video Animation If you thought the world outside of the internet was competitive, you were wrong. The world inside the internet is more competitive. With so many sites struggling to attract viewers to its content, you have some tough competition. If you are not succeeding and falling behind in the competition, you might want to take up an animated approach, which is to introduce people to video animation. The more engaging your video ...

Visual Effects

This  commercial  follows a man riding his new Golf GTI car when he gets abducted by an alien girl and is asked to compete in an intergalactic race against another car. Too over the top? Maybe. It’s sort of like a movie and it sure is nice to look at those   amazing  CGI visual effects.

3D Animation

Gates Foundation’s Spot for Family Planning There is a very powerful and meaningful message behind this spot for family planning. The 3D Animation is really high quality and uses cute little characters to depict a very real problem in a relatable manner. Family planning is a really important concept that more people need to know and understand. Seeing what region this ad is targeting, it should do the job well.

Walk Around the World

Walk Around the World – Johnnie Walker Okay, maybe the video isn’t in 3D,  but it shows a man with a Scottish accent walking through the serene Scottish hills while telling a story with the use of “visual aid.” The story follows a man named John and how he became the proud owner of one of the most cherished alcohol brands in the world.

AirDog Does the Hard Work for You

AirDog Does the Hard Work for You This great commercial shows that you don’t need to be an expert with the camera to capture your skills in style. Whether it’s you driving your car or riding your bike through the hills or skateboarding, you don’t have to do anything as the AirDog is a Drone that does it all for you once you start it off. Check it out .

See Things from Apple’s Perspective

See Things from Apple’s Perspective The New iPhone X is not all about the screen. Yes, that’s one part because of no home button being present, but it’s also packed with tons of features like facial recognition, animojis, AR and Wireless Charging. It features the most advanced A11 Bionic chip, the smartest and the most powerful yet by Apple. This beautiful advertisement aptly sums it all up in less than 90 seconds. Would you buy it?