Essentials for TV ads that stay on top of mind You may have heard about Wendy’s “where’s the beef?” commercial or Little Baby’s Ice Cream’s “This is a Special Time” commercial. While one shows that the beef is practically visible in the burgers more than the brand’s competitors and is memorable in that way, the latter weirds you but you still do remember it. Both TV ads were effective in their own way. They stayed on top of peoples’ minds. These tactics would not work with today’s TV ads, however. So what makes an ad stay at the top of your mind? Memorability and Effectiveness TV is not as dead as we thought it was. People still watch it with all the alternatives that are available for their time. The elements that make a TV commercial successful are: · How memorable it is · How effective is it These two main qualities are the best way to make TV ads stay on top of a ...
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