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Showing posts from August, 2017

Find out what makes great TV ads memorable and effective

Essentials for TV ads that stay on top of mind You may have heard about Wendy’s “where’s the beef?” commercial or Little Baby’s Ice Cream’s “This is a Special Time” commercial. While one shows that the beef is practically visible in the burgers more than the brand’s competitors and is memorable in that way, the latter weirds you but you still do remember it. Both TV ads were effective in their own way. They stayed on top of peoples’ minds. These tactics would not work with today’s TV ads, however. So what makes an ad stay at the top of your mind? Memorability and Effectiveness TV is not as dead as we thought it was. People still watch it with all the alternatives that are available for their time. The elements that make a TV commercial successful are: ·          How memorable it is ·          How effective is it These two main qualities are the best way to make TV ads stay on top of a ...

Here are 2 of the Product Design Trends you should be following in 2017

3D Product Design Trends you should adopt in 2017 Product design is here to stay and it is crucial to stay up-to-date with the trends that are being followed by the big companies. These trends make it much easier for people to gauge where they are in terms of the competition and to rise above their competition by constantly innovating. Innovating with Familiarity The “tablet revolution” has come and gone and while people adopted tablets easily, because they were a relatively new concept at the time, they are not accepting smart watches with the same fervor. The probable reason? It’s not as new a product, but the technology that’s driving it, is. No one had any idea what a tablet would look like. But people already know what a watch is. There is no excitement element present about the product design of the watches. That is why many tech companies that are designing tech products like smart watches, are adopting product design elements from more traditional watch...

Find out what will take your game to the next level with 3D Design and Animation

Things to take your game to the next level with 3D design and Animation Games are meant to be awesome for players and if the 3D design and animation of the characters and the environment they are in is not mind blowing, the game is not going to be nearly as enjoyable. No matter how much effort you put into the game, you will not be able to achieve the results you desired unless and until you streamline 3D design, animation and the overall gaming experience to bump it to eleven. Here are some ways to do that. 1.     Players are not bothered about you or your game The sooner you wrap your head around this 9-word phrase, the better. It can be very frustrating to realize that you spent all that time on 3D design and animation to give your game that edge but it backfired. Players don’t have the time or the energy to waste on reading or looking at the puns that you made. In some cases, they might. An example is of Grand Theft Auto to see the Easter eg...

Advertising and Entertainment

3D Character for Advertising and Entertainment Advertising and entertainment industries have it tough. They continually have to find alternate and different methods to make their star shine. With several of their competitors gunning for them, setting themselves apart has turned out to be difficult. In these difficult times where everyone wants the spotlight, only one solution seems to exist to rescue them from this turmoil. The solution to their problem is to employ the services of a 3D company. The company will create a 3D character representing their company, their brand, service, or/and product. How Will A 3D Character Help Shine a Spotlight on the Company? At times, the message an entertainment or an advertising company wants to portray to its targeted audience is complex in nature. Even if they use the simplest dialect to communicate the message, it still has a chance to go over people’s heads. Since creating an advertisement costs a lot of ...

Find out what you need to add some spring in your Character’s Step

Fundamentals of Motion Designs to help put a spring in your character's Step You may have had a favorite cartoon character from when you were little, be it Popeye, Olive Oyl, Tom, Jerry,Spyke, Tyke, Bugs, Daffy, Mickey, Tweety, Sylvester, Foghorn Leghorn etc. But would you have loved them the same if they were dull and lifeless in any way, shape, form or even a different motion design? No, right? Here’s what you need to give your character some character and get them up and running. 1.     Theme your Character when you start out When you start out with your character, you essentially have a blank canvas. Not having anything to go with can create a creative block of the worst kind. Before you even think of Motion design , you should have a certain theme of the character in mind. For example, Jerry feels like the sort of deviant, miscreant mouse that manages to pull away from any kind of trouble due to his quick wit and cute features. So stick to a theme to get ...

Animation Studio - XYZ Creative Group, Corp.

Understanding Dynamics for Better 3D Visual Effects

Understanding Dynamics for Better 3D Visual Effects Any 3D digital application venture is incomplete without 3D effects. Dynamics are the soul of 3D application. Just imagine a game like Call of duty, Counter Strike or Watch Dogs without smoke particulates, fire or flowing clothes, weird right? That’s why 3D dynamics are important for your 3D effects to pack a more powerful punch. Dynamics make it all easier They make you work faster. This is because they are a built in physics engine inside your 3D app. It basically gives you an idea of how the objects in the application utilize the rules of actual physics to make the objects move after you apply 3D effects, looking like they’re being subject to forces just like in the actual world. You can make your object do whatever you want it to. The inbuilt software will help decide what animation and effect will make that action look the most realistic in the game. Under regular key frame animation, the process would be painstaking...