Animation is a tricky process and involves a lot of (smart) work. You may have heard about what you should stay away from while you do make your animations but in order to succeed, you should be concentrating on doing the 8 things mentioned below. There are more but these are some of the most important things that you need for your animations to succeed. 1. Don’t forget to plan You can’t have too much planning when it comes to animations . Everything from the storyboard to thumbnails can save you a lot of effort down the road (however short that road is). Doing a well-planned scene once is way better (budget and time-wise) redoing the same unplanned scene 10 times without planning. 2. Not being picky with your shots The way animations work is that the viewer sees one scene and makes it a benchmark for the other. So you’re only as good as the last scene that you did. If you spend a ridiculous amount of time on one sce...
3D Animation Studio, 3D Character Design, 3D Rendering, Product Design, VR Product Services