Animation in Games and Movies Are Two Different Things If you thought that 3D animation for games and movies was the same thing, you will be in for a surprise when we tell you that it is not. Even though 3D animators use the same principles and tools to create the animation, the techniques and methods differ. If you had the misconception of animation in games and movies being the same, discover why it is not below: Movies: Animation on the Big Screen In movies, the 3D animator’s sole and only responsibility is to animate the character or object in the shot camera. Even though several other camera angles exist, the animator in this instance only has to worry about one, which is the shot camera. The shot camera is from the perspective of the viewer. When you watch a 3D animation movie on the big screen, you are watching from the shot camera. For the 3D animator working on a movie is fun, as they get to overlook all other angles of the camera, as you can...
3D Animation Studio, 3D Character Design, 3D Rendering, Product Design, VR Product Services